The Bhojpuriraas is a romantic film, set in Rajasthan. The story revolves around a middle-aged housewife, Salim, who is caught up in the civil war between her husband and family. She flees to her aunt’s home in Bhojpur, where she meets Tahir (Deepika Padamsee), a beautiful and mysterious man. The two quickly become close friends and fall in love.
The movie’s central characters are all from Bhojpur, and we see a wide variety of ethnicity and culture at work. The conflict is real, and we see the characters travel to Pakistan to meet their future in-laws. However, the movie’s real stars are the Bhupuri merchants, who steal the show. They are more prevalent in Bollywood films than any other ethnic group.
The town of Bhojpur is a picturesque place to visit. It is home to an erstwhile Maharaja, Jai Singh, and the Princess dowager of the town. This town is also famous for having the largest cremation pyre in India. Whether you’re interested in history or Bollywood films, Bhojpuriraas is a great option.
If you want to watch a Bhojpuri movie on a budget, there are plenty of free downloads available. In addition, you can watch a full film online for free, or you can download a video of the movie from a site that offers it. You may have to wait a while for your download to finish, but there is no need to worry. Most Bhojpuri movies can be downloaded for free!