Did you know that some plants are air purification machines? These plants use a process called transpiration, which pulls in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen into the air. Air purification has a great impact on the quality of your health. The air in your home is one of the most important things to consider when it comes to your health. Air purification plants can help you breathe easier and improve the overall quality of your indoor environment.
With the rise of pollution in our environment, air purification plants have become more popular. One of the best ways to get rid of household toxins and pollutants is by planting houseplants. They are small and easy-to-maintain plants that can make a world of difference in your home. These air purification plants are catnip. With their beautiful shapes and vibrant hues, they’re a great way to add splashes of color to your home without sacrificing the health benefits of a living plant.
Top 5 Air Purification Plants
Air purifying plants have been used for centuries. They can filter and clean the air in your home, removing toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and ammonia. These plants not only look beautiful but also help you stay healthy. Here are 5 eye-catching air purification plants for your house:
Spider Plant
The spider plant is a very popular houseplant because it’s easy to care for, can grow anywhere, and has small flowers that look like spider webs. The spider plant is often used as an air-purifying plant because it absorbs carbon dioxide and produces oxygen at night when there is no sunlight available for photosynthesis. The spider plant can grow up to two feet tall but can also be pruned into different shapes if you want something different than its natural form!
The spider plant’s broad leaves make it a good choice for adding extra humidity to your home, which can help keep dust mites away. If you don’t have much time to take care of this plant, try putting it in a pot with some soil-less mix and set it on your windowsill or kitchen countertop so it gets plenty of light but not too much direct sun exposure.
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This beautiful plant is one of our favorite air purifiers because it removes formaldehyde from the air as well as other toxins like xylene and ammonia. These plants are also known as elephant ear philodendron or giant philodendron and are easy to take care of with bright indirect light or shade being best for this plant’s growth.
It is a good choice for areas where you want something with bright colors that will stand out from other plantings in your home or office. This type of plant does well in both indoor and outdoor environments and makes an excellent addition to any room or office space. They also remove formic acid which is found in antifreeze and pesticides, so they’re good for pets too!
Credit: Plants Insights
Peace lily
The Peace Lily, or Moth Orchid, is one of the most popular plants for improving indoor air quality. The Peace Lily is a low-maintenance plant that works great for improving air quality. This plant has large simple leaves that are green on top and white on the bottom. The flowers are white and bloom in clusters of three. It can grow up to 12 inches tall, but it’s best to prune it if you want it to stay smaller.
If you have pets or children in your home, this is a great option because it’s pet-friendly and kid-safe. The Peace Lily doesn’t take well to direct sun exposure so make sure you place it in an area where the sun won’t shine directly on it. Also, keep the peace lily away from heat sources like fireplaces or wood stoves because they can cause the soil around them to become dry quickly. Finally, make sure that you water the peace lily regularly so that it doesn’t dry out or wilt.
Fiddle-Leaf Fig
The fiddle-leaf fig is another great option for removing toxins from the air in your home because it removes formaldehyde from the air as well as benzene and trichloroethylene. It’s also known as a good plant for improving indoor allergies since it helps reduce dust mites and pet dander in your home as well. This plant needs plenty of indirect sunlight to thrive so make sure that you place the fiddle-leaf fig near a window with bright indirect light.
This plant can also be placed in the corner of your home because it does not grow very tall so it won’t take up too much space. It’s one of the best plants for removing carbon dioxide from the air and filling it with oxygen. The only thing that you need to watch out for is overwatering since this type of plant tends to have issues with root rot if water is left sitting in its container for too long.
Calathea is a beautiful, leafed plant that comes in a variety of colors. It’s best to keep the calathea in a shady area, as direct sunlight can cause leaf burn. The plant does well with low humidity but will do best if it’s misted every day or so. Besides being an eye-catching decoration, this plant is also known for its ability to clean the air of pollutants. They also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air.
The plant is usually grown in water, so you’ll want to make sure you keep it moist and provide adequate drainage. Calathea plants are easy to grow and require little maintenance. They do not tolerate freezing temperatures and should be kept indoors during the winter months.
Final Words
Houseplants are a great way to keep our homes safe and healthy. They add a little green to the indoors and they help purify the air as well as cleanse it of allergens. Most important is to choose plants you really like, or that correspond to your home’s style. Next, look for indoor plants that are easy to grow. Finally, be sure to place the plants in an area with adequate lighting and room ventilation.
These 5 plants do a great job of beautifying any room and also have dual functions in purifying the air. They not only make your house look good but they also filter out toxins as well.