The best way to celebrate the last day of bachelorhood is with a bucks party, and the perfect time to schedule a bucks party is the night before the wedding. The idea of a bucks party is to celebrate one last night of freedom before one has to deal with the responsibilities of marriage; it is essentially a final night to celebrate one’s freedom before the chains of matrimony apply. However, a lot of guys tend to celebrate this night because they have no idea what to do, and that creates a boring final night. With a little planning, your bucks party can go from boring to epic.
The Basics
First off, plan on renting a home. You can set up a buffet, allow the Male Stripper some privacy, and even include a bartender. You should also have plenty of places for people to change, shower, and even sleep; you do not want to get people drunk and then send them home. It also ensures that the groom and most if not all of the bride grooms are in one location to start for the wedding.
Having Fun
When you are planning a bucks party Brisbane has plenty of options for entertainment available. The best ideas are simple, and probably a good place to start is with rugby. You need something that is simple, physical, and anyone can play; given that it is a little more physical than regular football, it is a little more tiring as well.
Better yet, you have three options: field, stadium, bar. The field is great in rain or shine; you have not played rugby until you have played it in the rain. The stadium is good as well; it can give you a jump on your drinking while you cheer on your favorite team, mock someone else or both. A bar gives you all of the usual bar games, a television where you can watch the game, and there is always alcohol available. The bar also provides those with a fiance to find someone who can work as a future fiance.
Paintball is always an option. There is nothing better than giving everyone the chance to shoot someone else, and everyone walks away from the event healthy. Just keep in mind that it does require some basic training and you should be good. For those looking for something a little more relaxing, a day at the beach can work out pretty well, especially if you have a luau waiting back at home. Also, just like the bar, there is the additional fun of watching younger bachelors go down in flames in pursuit of dates.
There is always the possibility of a gaming night, be it at a casino or at home. If you do set it up in a home, make sure that there are some people invited just to be hit on; it may seem crude but you should always be generous in spreading the benefits of marriage. If you do it at an actual casino, then try for a private room; the casino is going to do what it can to ensure that everyone enjoys their evening, but it seems to be a little more fun when you have a little more intimacy.
You can always go camping, or at least hiking. It can help if you have some sort of goal set up, even if it is just a small competition to get to a destination first. Keep in mind that this is not everyone’s cup of tea, but if used as a way to get to the home and the food and drink therein you may be forgiven.
Things to Keep In Mind
Ultimately, just remember to have fun. Avoid scheduling too many events; the more events you schedule the less it seems like you are trying to have fun and are just keeping busy. You want to have fun, so make sure that whatever you do you have time to linger and have some fun; you need some time to recover from each event and even discuss what happened. You also need time to just talk; it may sound weird, but some conversation is not a bad thing. In short, just plan a few basic events and plenty of time to enjoy each and you should have plenty of time to enjoy your last night of freedom.
Author’s BIo: Lisa Eclesworth is a notable and influential lifestyle writer. She is a mom of two and a successful homemaker. She loves to cook and create beautiful projects with her family. She writes informative and fun articles that her readers love and enjoy. You can directly connect with her on email – [email protected] or visit her website