In December 2006, Saturday Night Live (SNL) aired a parody video titled “Dick in a Box” that featured Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg. The song was an instant hit and gained a lot of attention from the public. The song was also a huge success when it was released as a single and it won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics.
The music video begins with Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg singing a duet in a recording studio. As they sing, they are surrounded by a group of women, who are obviously impressed by their performance. The lyrics of the song are humorous and suggestive, as they tell the story of two men who offer women a unique gift – a “dick in a box.”
The video then cuts to a scene featuring Dick Clark and Justin Timberlake. Clark is dressed as a Christmas elf and Timberlake is wearing a Santa suit. Clark introduces Timberlake as “Uncle Sexy” and the two then sing a duet about the gift of a “dick in a box.” The song ends with Clark and Timberlake laughing and then Timberlake singing the chorus again.
The song and video were a huge success and helped to launch Justin Timberlake’s solo career. The song was also a hit on the Billboard Hot 100 and reached the top 10 in the US and UK. It has since become a Christmas classic and is often featured on holiday compilations.
The lyrics of the song include suggestive and humorous references to the gift of a “dick in a box”. The lyrics also emphasize the importance of giving a unique gift, rather than something generic. The song is also an example of how music and comedy can be used to make a statement about society and its attitudes towards gender roles and sexuality.
The song and video were also a success from a marketing perspective. The song was used in a variety of commercials and advertisements, which helped to raise the profile of both Justin Timberlake and SNL. The song was also used in a number of video games, including “Grand Theft Auto IV”, “Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock”, and “Rock Band 2.”
The success of “Dick in a Box” has also helped to raise awareness of the importance of giving unique and thoughtful gifts. The song has inspired people to be more creative in their gift-giving and to think outside the box when it comes to gift-giving. It is a reminder that gifts should be meaningful and special, rather than generic and boring.
Overall, “Dick in a Box” is an example of how music and comedy can be used to make a statement about society and its attitudes towards gender roles and sexuality. It is also a reminder of the importance of giving thoughtful and unique gifts. The song has inspired people to be more creative in their gift-giving and to think outside the box.