Residential Programs
In-patient addiction treatment or rehabilitation for people with drug and alcohol dependence or misuse challenges programs provide a structured schedule in a drug free environment which address all aspects of a client’s addiction. As these programs provide 24/7 supervision and safe, drug free accommodation, the temptation to use is reduced. Delray Beach addiction treatment facility provides around the clock medical and therapeutic care.
Day Programs
These types of programs not only provide a structured program, but they also afford clients the flexibility of attending some family and work commitments. Out-patient programs allow clients to return home every night after the program as well as often spending the weekend away from rehab. These programs provide medical supervision, therapeutic support and the convenience of continuing your personal life whilst working on your recovery.
At home Programs
At home programs are delivered in the privacy and safety of your own home and involve regular video meetings, phone calls and sometimes in-person appointments. These types of out-patient programs provide maximum flexibility to fit in with your life and offer reliable therapeutic care. At home programs are also a much more affordable option than residential treatment and often include linkage with medical, psychological and addiction specialist supports.
Addiction Medications
Some medications are beneficial in the beginning and throughout your recovery journey. They may be prescribed to alleviate withdrawal symptoms, reduce cravings or to treat co-occurring disorders. The medications always have the best result when used in combination with therapy or an addiction program mentioned above. Therapy and rehab programs help you learn coping strategies and tool to deal with triggers as well as stressful life events that happen within day to day life pre, during and post treatment. Just using medications without the rehab/therapy sets you up for failure when these events occur.
Faith Based Treatment
These programs provide similar services to other programs, but the recovery is centered around faith. Faith based treatments provide a safe space where you can begin your recovery with likeminded people. Here, people are looking for guidance from a higher power to sustain their recovery.
Support Groups
After completing addiction treatment programs, it is strongly recommended and encouraged to attend regular support meetings. Meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous can help keep you stay focused on your sobriety and give you a space to share your thoughts and feelings with other people in similar situations to yours. These meetings also allow you to make connections within the sober community and develop friendships and mentors who are also living in recovery. Effective treatment programs will require each program participant to prepare a recovery plan before program completion. These recovery plans are well organized and detailed and include many of the key principles of change the individual has developed during program. The trick post treatment is continuing to practice the things learned in the rehab process, one day at a time!