Co-Working Spaces” have clearly established themselves as an alternative to the traditional office in recent years. In more and more offices there is the possibility to rent a table for a longer period of time or to work in the premises on a daily or hourly basis. The result: more flexible and mobile working.
Meaning of “co-working”
When co-working, several companies – mostly start-ups, self-employed or freelancers – share a common office space. As a rule, you can rent your own table and use the existing furniture. In the broadest sense, this is a “shared office”. The difference, however, is that the people who share a job come from a wide variety of industries and are all working on different projects – or even their business idea.
Often there are common lounges, rentable seminar rooms and meeting boxes, cooking areas and of course a correspondingly powerful coffee machine. This is how people meet who would probably never have met in separate offices. New projects or business ideas arise and are easier to implement.
Depending on the renting company, cooperation, networks and friendships often arise in the coworking space over the course of time, from which everyone can benefit. The environment is generally ideally designed for high productivity for all participants and, as an alternative to the “home office”, offers the opportunity to network with other workers and to get help with problems or questions.
Coworking space for entrepreneurs
Self-employed people, company founders and employees who travel a lot can now spontaneously use an office space in almost all larger cities to prepare for meetings and to carry out important activities in a suitable work environment. Of course, you could also sit down in the next best cafe with your laptop on your lap – but in most cases there are no technical offers, such as a high-speed internet connection or a printer. Productivity is simply not in the foreground there.
Increases employee motivation and lowers costs
Start-ups: Those who are just starting out with their start-up companies often have too little budget to rent an office and then set it up accordingly. However, in order to be able to get started right away – without having to convert your own living room – the coworking offers are extremely popular with start-ups and young company founders. From day one, rooms such as meeting rooms are available for the first customers or partners. This makes it possible to work effectively – even before the first major investments. The start-up can immediately appear like a professional company. Investments in infrastructure and fixed costs are cleverly bypassed and financial resources are used more efficiently.
Home office vs. office
To many employees, working from home sounds like freedom, self-determination and relaxation. There is no boss behind you and no colleagues who do not give you the peace and quiet you need to work. But what at first sounds like paradisiacal working conditions also has its downsides: no regular working hours, no contact with colleagues and numerous distractions.
Working in the home office presents many employees with unusual challenges and tests self-discipline. Many even want the orderly conditions in the office back after a short time.