It’s one thing to want to be rich and successful, but it’s another to be able to achieve it.
Achieving your goal becomes possible once you learn to concretize your desires so clearly that you understand how to proceed.
After all, the moment someone complains about unfavorable circumstances and justifies their inactivity with it, successful people know how to achieve their goals and… do it.
Step 1: Choose your wishes. First make sure that this dream is really yours, and not the one of your relatives, acquaintances or colleagues. Mentally visualize ways to achieve the goal. Does this picture make you happy? If you enjoy developing yourself professionally, you won’t start every new day with a whine: “Oh, the horror, I have to go to that hateful office again!”
Important: For each sphere of your life, set no more than one goal. Otherwise they will compete with each other, and you will be forced to rush between them in attempts to correctly prioritize. At the same time it’s good when you set yourself two ambitious goals at the same time. Firstly, it allows you not to get hung up on one. Secondly, you won’t have to disperse your energies over the implementation of several major projects.
Step 2: Visualize your goal. The more clearly you articulate it, the easier it will be for you to plan ways to achieve it. Visualize the end result. It must not seem like the plot of a fantasy movie. You must unconditionally believe that you will succeed.
Step 3: Think of the goal as a process. For example, not “to succeed”, but “to increase the client base to 500 counterparties”. Not “build a successful career,” but “get a position as head of business valuation.” This will help you stay focused. And instead of indulging yourself in abstract illusions, you will realize that you need to develop a detailed plan of action and start moving forward.
Step 4: Act in accordance with your inner beliefs. You can only succeed if your plans do not conflict with your core values. A simple example: Someone wants to increase their income, but they are convinced that they cannot make more money honestly. Do you think it is possible to achieve your goals with such thoughts?
Step 5. Find a powerful motivation. There can be pros and cons to any plan. Try to make the value of the arguments for it stronger and the number of arguments greater. You need to be clear about what you are doing it for and what you will get in the end.
Step 6: Be prepared for obstacles. Successful people understand that events do not always develop according to the planned scenario. Therefore, they perceive all unforeseen troubles only as temporary difficulties. And even if the way out is not yet found, they are convinced that soon it is sure to find. When you are faced with a negative scenario, remember why you started all this. Believe in your strength and do not stop halfway. When you cope with everything, the taste of victory will only be sweeter.
Step 7: Plan for tomorrow in the evening. Then in the morning, instead of sitting and agonizing over “where to start,” you will get into work mode without delay. When compiling a to-do list, structure it according to your biorhythms. If your productivity peaks in the first half of the day, schedule the bulk of the complex tasks for that period. And in the evening, leave, for example, sorting out correspondence or performing simple current affairs.
Step 8: Summarise. Planning runs the risk of becoming wasted time if you don’t learn how to summarize the day’s events. Only do it in writing. In the evening, write down at least 5 accomplishments and 5 events that pleased you during the day. These don’t have to be global things. The important thing is to make a list of the things that you did that contributed to your goal and the events that energised you or inspired you to do better. Check if you spend your time pructively with computer time tracker
Step 9: Create a positive environment. Talk to people who believe in you. It is good if they are also working on the implementation of their plans. The more people you have around you that you want to take as an example, the easier it is to move forward.
Step 10. Rest. Do not believe those who say that working overtime, you will achieve success faster. Titanic efforts are appropriate only in conditions of force majeure, and stretched in time they threaten only burnout and health problems.