NEET is one of the most highly competitive exams conducted in the country for the aspirants to the undergraduate MBBS and BDS courses. This examination is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) all over India. This exam provides you with the gateway to getting admissions in not only government colleges but also private ones. NEET is currently the only medical examination that is valid for getting admissions to various undergraduate medical programs. Here are all the details of this examination.
The foremost thing is the eligibility to sit in the examination. The minimum age of the students who aspire to appear in this exam should be 17 years. The upper age limit was prescribed to be 25 years, but this matter is pending with the court so candidates above 25 years will be provisionally admitted. There is also a criterion of eligibility with regard to the academic performance in the board exam. Candidates should have qualified in the subjects English, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. You should have scored a 50% aggregate mark in the 3 subjects (excluding English) taken together.
For applying for the examination the candidate can fill an online application form which is available on the official site of the NTA. The detailed guidelines for filling the form are also there. The candidate must fill all the particulars carefully.
The next important detail with regard to the NEET exam is the syllabus. So the Syllabus for NTA NEET has 3 broad subjects, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany and Zoology). The syllabus for this exam is designed keeping in mind the syllabus of various state boards to have the essence of uniformity and a level playing field for all the students irrespective of their home state. The syllabus is as follows:
Physics –
- Physical-world and measurement
- Electrostatics
- Kinematics
- Current electricity
- Laws of motion
- Magnetic effects of current and magnetism
- Work, energy and power
- Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
- Motions of the system of particles and rigid body (class 11th)
- Electromagnetic waves
- Gravitation
- Optics
- Properties of bulk matter
- Dual nature of matter and radiation
- Thermodynamics
- Atoms and nuclei
- The behaviour of perfect gas and kinetic theory
- Electronic devices, oscillations, and waves
Chemistry –
- Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
- Solid State
- Structure of Atom
- Solutions
- Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- Chemical Kinetics
- States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
- Surface Chemistry
- Thermodynamics
- General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements (class 12th)
- Equilibrium
- p- Block Elements
- Redox Reactions
- d and f Block Elements
- Hydrogen
- Coordination Compounds
- s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
- Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
- Some p-Block Elements
- Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
- Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques
- Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
- Hydrocarbons
- Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
- Environmental Chemistry
- Biomolecules
- Polymers
- Chemistry in Everyday Life
- Diversity in Living World
- Reproduction
- Structural Organization in Animals and Plants
- Genetics and Evolution
- Cell Structure and Function
- Biology and Human Welfare
- Plant Physiology
- Biotechnology and Its Applications
- Human physiology
- Ecology and environment
So this is the syllabus and the topics which are present there. Most of the topics are similar to the class 11th and 12th NCERT books. For a much more detailed syllabus do visit the official website of the NEET / NTA.
After the syllabus, the next crucial detail is the pattern of the examination. There are sections in the question paper. The NEET exam follows a pattern where every subject has two sections, section A and section B. The most important thing to note here is that all the questions are objective in nature, it is in MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) form. Section A has 35 questions and section B has 15 questions out of which the candidate will be attempting any 10 questions as per preference. The marking scheme has the provision of negative marking. For every correct answer, you get 4 marks and for every wrong answer, 1 mark is deducted. So the total marks for the examination are 720 marks. The duration of the NEET exam is 3 hours.
The NEET exam is a pen and paper-based exam in which the candidate has to answer using the OMR sheets. The examination is in 13 languages and candidates can choose from these languages. In addition to this, the candidate should know the dress code for the examination. Shoes are not permitted and the candidate should try and avoid wearing full sleeves clothes.
For the admission procedure there are different quotas which are listed below:
- The All India Quota Seats
- The State Government Quota Seats
- For Central Institutions/Universities/Deemed Universities
- The State/Management/NRI Quota Seats in Private Medical / Dental Colleges or any Private University
- The Central Pool Quota Seats
- For All seats including NRI Quota as well as Management Quota, are in the private unaided/aided minority / non-minority medical colleges.
- Another one of AIIMS Institutes across India/JIPMER
The seats which are under the jurisdiction of the State / UT are subject to state-issued notifications. The counseling for these will be conducted as per the state guidelines. Also during the counseling, all the documents and details are verified by the admitting college/institution before the final admission. The final admission post verification depends on the decision taken by the concerned institution, the NTA is not responsible for this step or any glitch if anything goes wrong here. It is suggested to keep a record of all the documents required during the counselling.
So these were the details of the NEET examination. This exam holds importance among all the medical aspirants across the country. This will be helpful to all the medical aspirants. All the best for your future.