Class 9th grade is very important and significant in every student’s life. Students have to make thorough preparations as they will be facing the board exam for the first time in the coming year. It becomes very important to learn the topics with clear concepts.
NCERT Class 9th syllabus has been curated by experts having thorough subject knowledge. The NCERT important questions are formatted in the solutions chapter wise which could probably appear in the exam. The answers to these questions are well explained in the proper steps where the understanding becomes easier for the students.
Students should make proper preparation of the chapters along with these important questions. Class 9th is very important as whatever they learn is continued in class 10 which is again an important phase in a student’s life. Admissions for 11th depends on the scoring in class 10. This makes both the phases important and students should focus very hard on all the concepts and fundamentals of the subject.
The NCERT solutions have all the important questions of the class 9th syllabus. The exercise questions are well defined and structured chapter wise so it becomes easy for the students to prepare for the exam.
Students should be very careful and should not just focus on preparing only the important questions. They have to concentrate thoroughly on every topic and each question. When it comes to exam preparation everything is important. The questions in the text and the NCERT are very important and students should be prepared well. The focus should be on the correct understanding of the concepts and the fundamentals.
The benefit of the important questions NCERT important questions
The questions in the NCERT are all chapter wise and the important questions at the end of every chapter are given with proper explanation and in a simplified way. These have to be studied along with the chapter wise questions from the exercises. Students preparing through the NCERT can be boosted with confidence and ease.
NCERT has a well structured and organized plan. These are prepared with the proper research and made sure that the students would be benefited in every way. The solutions consist of theory, explanations, answers which are formatted in a proper and precise manner.
The solved questions will help the students to learn the right approach to the subject. The variety of practise questions helps the students to have adequate practice. complex questions or problems are simplified and the explanations are in easy steps.
The variety of questions will make the student learn something new and think logically. This increases their confidence level.
The solutions are in simple language making it very easy for students to understand. They develop strong reasoning and analytical skills.
The question and answer given is not only beneficial for the exams but also to understand the fundamental concepts.
The sample question papers and the practise exercises become very helpful for the students for thorough practice.
Easy tips to prepare for the exam.
Study plan and study area-If the proper planning is not done then you will not be able to track your progress or the topics to be learnt. The first step is to have a proper study plan according to the syllabus of all the subjects.
Study Area and Time- Prepare a space for yourself where you can be focused on your studies. Keep the area neat and clean. Schedule the time for your study, either in the morning or in the evening.
Preparation of notes- Make your notes giving the title for each topic. Highlight the one which needs to be learnt or to be revised regularly. Mark the important points or the definitions. This will help you to know what to focus on more.
Numericals-Practise lots of problems in the exercise and also in the solutions. This will make you do a variety of problems and you will have proper practice with all types of numerical.
Definitions and formulas-if the chapters are with definitions or formulas write down all the definitions and the formulas in a single area. This will help you to revise every day so that you can remember well before the exams.
Illustrations- Diagrams and the figures to be focussed on as the marks from these can be scored easily. Try to practise neatly and label the parts properly.
Remembering the events and the dates-When it comes to the dates and events, it is not possible that you remember just by reading them. This has to be repeatedly read so you can remember. Write down the events or the dates which you have to learn. Read every day before starting your studies or while revising.
Revision- Every day it is very important to revise what you have learnt or studied the previous day. This way you will remember more easily.
Writing skills- Just reading the chapters will not be enough. Make sure the proper writing is practised. You have to learn to present your answers well with accurate and relevant content.
Sample question Papers- Once you have completed all the syllabus make sure to solve the sample question paper. This will not only help in your writing skills but also helps you to know whether you can complete the paper on time or not.
Know your weak points-Solving the sample paper will make you aware of the weak point and where you get stuck. Knowing this it becomes easy to improve on the weak areas.
Have proper sleep-Most importantly to have proper rest and sleep. Don’t be awake at night and study. This will spoil your next day’s schedule completely. Have proper sleep and be active with physical exercises.
Take a break- Studying continuously will spoil your focus and dedication. Divide the time of your studies into multiple sessions with a small break in between. This will help you be motivated and energetic. You can munch with your favourite snack but make sure that it should be healthy.
Be positive and confident. Nothing is difficult with hard work and dedication.