Do you want to lose some weight, but the diet doesn’t work? Or maybe you simply don’t have time to exercise a lot? Whatever the cause, the ESG weight loss procedure might be just the thing you need. That’s what experts say, at least. Let’s see if they’re right.
What is ESG?
ESG in healthcare is the abbreviation for Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty. It is a non-surgical medical procedure that is conducted in specialized clinics. There, your stomach can be sutureted. That makes it smaller, you see. Sometimes even 80% smaller. Therefore, less food is actually needed to make you feel full. There’s simply no room for those big-sized portions, fatty deserts, extra fries… Sounds healthy, doesn’t it?
The ESG is performed with a special endoscope. It is a tool designed to decrease the volume of the stomach through the mouth. No incisions. No scars. You won’t be hospitalized, either. The procedure doesn’t take long. Patients go home the same day. After a few days of recovery, they can return to their normal activities. With the exception of eating too much, that is.
The benefits of Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty
With the ESG procedure, patients won’t lose weight rapidly. It usually takes a year to see 20% of fat reserves gone. And that’s a good thing. The human body needs to adjust. It needs to eliminate existing fat gradually. The implementation of Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty allows the system to do it properly. Of course, low-fat meals and physical activity are always highly recommended. Nevertheless, the reduction of stomach volume itself provides means for your body to become slimmer.
A well-adjusted body works better in general. You see, not only fat reserves get optimized, but blood sugar levels as well. The same can be said about cholesterol and all sorts of toxins that are accumulated inside the body. As a result, plenty of diet-related health concerns become a lesser threat. It is not a secret that many heart failures have their source in obesity. And what about psychological issues?
Overweight is a heavy load on the mind. Because of it, people lose their self-confidence. Some become deeply depressed. Especially when they fail to lose weight naturally over and over again. A non-surgical slimming procedure might be a way to fix the psychological problems of obese people. Losing 20% of their weight can help them restore their wellbeing. Feeling good about oneself is an important health factor, don’t you think?
Who is ESG for?
The procedure is dedicated to people who lack the ability to lose weight through a diet or physical activity. In many cases, that happens despite trying and steadfast dedication. Hormones can be responsible for genetic disorders. Furthermore, ESG is something to look for if someone wants to avoid any surgical intervention. As we said before, the Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty doesn’t involve a scalpel at all. The perfect ESG candidate should also have a Body Mass Index between 30 and 50. However, even if you fit this description, a medical consultation with your doctor is highly recommended before making any decisions.
The ESG weight loss procedure is an alternative solution for obesity reduction. It really does help people lose up to 20% of their body mass per year. It also allows them to permanently change lifestyle habits, and improve their general psychological condition. But it should be considered if other, more natural methods fail. Your doctor’s opinion must also be included before signing up for the ESG.