You may know a thing or two about a restaurant that has a delivery order system to ease their customers. But, how about a food delivery that does not have a restaurant or, in this case, an actual place. This type of culinary business indicates as a ghost kitchen. Ghost kitchen is a restaurant that does not have a real restaurant. The restaurant, or to be exact, the kitchen, is on the web. Therefore, it refers to as a ghost kitchen.
In principle, ghost kitchen produces food specifically for online orders. Hence, the only way you can access it is through delivery applications. Ghost kitchen startups US themselves, which you may already hear before, is Cloud Kitchens or Kitchens United. They offer a kitchen renting space for restaurant owners to market their online menu to the customers. In its practical, ghost kitchen can be utilized as a platform to start a new culinary business or expand the delivery reach of an existing restaurant.
The concept of ghost kitchens Startups US has become quite popular, especially in this post-pandemic time. People tend to spend more time at home, and a ghost kitchen seems like a profitable business based on that circumstances. Here we provide some facts about how profitable a ghost kitchen business is, and we will be giving some insight if you are interested in this innovation of the 21st-century culinary industry. We provide this article to help you understand the ghost kitchen, especially if you are already interested in having yours. This is the right place for you to have some background knowledge needed to start your very own ghost kitchen.
How do ghost kitchen make money?
Since ghost kitchen seems to be an actual answer in this pandemic time, it is safe to say that ghost kitchen is answering the market demands in terms of stay at home regulation and online food delivery. Based on the statement, you can be sure that having a ghost kitchen at this very moment can be very lucrative for you. Referring to the Technomic, when it comes to the yearly sales of 300 ghost kitchens startups US, they can have a projected sales of almost 25% per year, so it is approximately $300 million per year.
In addition, this is one of the businesses that able to thrive due to the COVID-19. Therefore, you may find that many restaurants that have been badly affected because of the pandemic. These restaurants switch their gear and move to the ghost kitchen as a new culinary business opportunity. Suppose that you start to get interested in having your own ghost kitchen. You have to know about the initial funds of a ghost kitchen and what is the perfect starting point for this business.
How much does a ghost kitchen cost?
In opening a new business like a culinary business, you must have to think about a strategic spot. You get to thinking of providing quality ingredients on a daily basis. You may also think about fancy furniture and interior with a high-class kitchen that can support you in producing the food. In the end, you will end up in a quarter of a million dollars or more in order to execute it nonetheless, if you have to buy the land first and build your dream restaurant. The cost will be much higher, like half of million dollars in minimum.
However, if you are into the ghost kitchen business, you only need about $20,000 or less to start your very own ghost kitchen. Frankly speaking, you may only need your spouse or colleague with the same passion for cooking or passion for culinary business and start your ghost kitchen from your house kitchen. In doing so, you can have your ghost kitchen at a very low initial cost.
In case that you have more to spend, you can rent a ghost kitchen and register your online menu with the delivery applications like Uber Eats or DoorDash. For this reason, ghost kitchen startups US considers as a profitable culinary business opportunity with very low initial funds. Because you only have an online restaurant presence, and it is reducing your budget when it comes to renting an actual building.
How do I open a ghost kitchen?
Since you already know about the revenue and initial fund of a ghost kitchen. Now we will share a good starting point in having your own ghost kitchen. First and foremost, you get to have a comprehensive understanding of the way a ghost kitchen operates. The way a ghost kitchen operates is starting from receiving the order from your customers. You can see the details of the order from the delivery apps. Preparing the food, packing your order, and the courier will deliver your order to the customer. Based on this operation procedure of a ghost kitchen. You may notice that every process is online. Therefore, you may need to register your ghost kitchen with an online delivery platform that can give you the edge in making more profit; this is essential if you want to have a successful ghost kitchen.
As for the business plan itself is similar to any other business, especially in the culinary sector. However, it is reasonable to put the delivery concept at number one on your list instead of determining your niche first. Because ghost kitchens startups US integrates with the delivery order system, you have to think about its concept very carefully since it is the core of your business.
Another essential aspect is establishing your brands. This is significant since you are competing in the digital marketing area. So, you have to come up with a business brand that represents you the most. From its logo to your business name or even utilize digital marketing strategies to improve the awareness of your brand among the customers. Furthermore, it is recommended to embrace the local resources because this is the closest niche that you want to appeal to. Hence, it would help you if you can cooperate with the local supplier and use local ingredients in your ghost kitchen.