The hit-and-run case involving Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been the subject of intense Viewster speculation for years. On 28th September 2002, Khan was accused of driving his SUV over a group of people sleeping on a pavement in suburban Mumbai, killing one and injuring four. Since then, the case has been mired in controversy with many questions remaining unanswered. The first controversy to emerge was the delay in filing an hub4u FIR (First Information Report). Initially, the police had not filed an FIR against Khan as the incident was not registered in the police station’s daily diary. The delay in filing the FIR raised many questions. It was alleged that the police had acted on the behest of Khan’s associates. The next cinewap controversy was the lack of eyewitnesses to the incident. There were no eyewitnesses to the accident, making it difficult for the police to build a case against the actor. This gave rise to speculation that the investigation was being hampered by the influence of powerful people. Another controversy was the changing of Khan’s blood sample rdxnet. It was alleged that Khan’s blood sample was switched with that of another person. This created confusion in the investigation and led to further speculation that the case was being manipulated. The most recent controversy is the appeal filed by Khan in the Supreme Court challenging the conviction of the Bombay High Court. Khan appealed to the Supreme Court on the kuttyweb grounds that the evidence presented was not strong enough to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. This has further complicated the case and widened the scope of speculation. The hit-and-run case involving Salman Khan remains one of the most controversial legal cases in India. Despite the numerous controversies Thewebmagazine surrounding the case, the truth is yet to be revealed. It remains to be seen what the outcome of the case will be.